Upcoming Events

    • 01 Jun 2019
    • 30 Jun 2025
    • TCAGO DVD Sales

    DVD Purchase "A Guide for Organ Committees"

    • DVD format
    • Playing time 24:52
    • $20 including postage and handling within the United States & Canada
    • Payment by major credit card or PayPal account

    NOTE:  SPECIAL AGO Convention Price of $10 from July 4 - 7, 2023 during the North Central Regional Convention.

    To see more details and a trailer of the DVD, please use the "For Worship Leaders" tab on the left to navigate to the page "A Guide for Organ Committees."

    • 01 Mar 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • The House of Hope Presbyterian Church, 797 Summit Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55105

    Pipe Organ Discovery Day 2025 (PODD)

    Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 9:00am to 3:00pm

    The House of Hope Presbyterian Church
    797 Summit Avenue
    Saint Paul, MN 55105

    Pipe Organ Discovery Day provides students in grades 3 to 12 with an opportunity to learn more about the pipe organ and expand their knowledge with hands-on experience on a variety of instruments.  The event is free to participants.  Family members welcome.   Prior keyboard experience is needed to play the instruments; all are welcome to come and learn. A pizza lunch is provided courtesy of the Twin Cities Chapter of the AGO. 

    Students will be able to play all three organs at House of Hope, including the Merklin in the Chancel, which has a lever to mechanically pump the wind supply and which students won't see in too many places. Also, we will be showing and discussing the three short videos on the organ that our Chapter worked on previously with Minnesota Public Radio, good portions of which were filmed at House of Hope. We'll also be building a working model of the ancient water powered organ from Roman times. 

    We will be taking photos and recording short videos for publicity on social media at this event.  By participating in this event, you are providing consent for you and/or the students you may be bringing to be included in this publicity. 

    Registration is required by end of day on February 26.  Detail schedules and registration information available on the TCAGO web page at www.tcago.org – click on the Events Page and then scroll down to March 1, for this event.  There you will also find a copy of the schedule of events for the day, along with added information and online registration for Pipe Organ Discovery Day. 

    Questions on the event may be directed to Phil Asgian at philasgian@gmail.com or 651.592.4505.

    Click here to download the detailed PDF flyer with schedule. 

    Click here to download the 11x17 digital poster. 

    • 10 Mar 2025
    • 11 Mar 2025
    • Saint Olaf Catholic Church 215 S 8th St Minneapolis, MN 55402

    The Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and St. Olaf Catholic Church present Jean-Baptiste Robin

    Saint Olaf Catholic Church
    215 S 8th St
    Minneapolis, MN 55402

    Monday, March 10 – 7:30 p.m. presentation and masterclass
    Tuesday, March 11 – 7:30 p.m. recital with post event reception 

    With his appointment as Organist of France’s Royal Chapel at the Palace of Versailles, Jean-Baptiste Robin was given an enviable and distinguished place in a long line of royal organists (Couperin, Marchand, and Daquin) as “court musician”. Robin’s playing most certainly mirrors and matches the opulence and grandeur of that world-renowned building. His frequent performance trips have yielded recitals in 20 European countries, Russia, Israël, Asia (Japan and South Korea), Canada, and more than half of the fifty states in the United States of America. Widely regarded as one of the most accomplished French organists, master teachers, and composers of his generation (with over 150 new works to his credit), Mr. Robin also serves as Professor of Organ at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Versailles. 

    Join us on Monday, March 10 for a presentation and masterclass where Mr. Robin will share reflections on his transcription of Ravel and work with local students on technique and interpretation.

    Registration encouraged at TCAGO.org.  


    Tuesday, March 11 – 7:30 p.m. recital with post event reception

    Saint Olaf Catholic Church
    215 S 8th St
    Minneapolis, MN 55402

    Join us as Jean-Bapitste Robin performs on the 67-rank, III manual 2001 Lively-Fulcher pipe organ. Works by Debussy, Lully, Rameau, Alain, Couperin and Ravel. 

    Recital is free and open to the public.  All are invited to a post event reception.

    Detailed biography can be found here.

    • 26 Apr 2025
    • 8:30 AM - 6:15 PM
    • Saint John’s University, and Collegeville, MN vicinity

    The Pipe Organ Heritage Committee invites you to
    The POHC Spring Organ Crawl: Organs of Central Minnesota!

    Saturday, April 26th, 8:30 am – 6:15 pm

    Join us for an unforgettable day of musical exploration as we embark on an inspiring organ crawl through the beautiful landscapes of Saint John’s Abbey and University and nearby communities.  Download a publicity flyer with photos here.

    We will see and hear five unique instruments — from the diminutive to the monumental, from the oldest organ in Minnesota to one of the newest.  We will also tour the new Saint John’s Abbey Organ Builders!

    The day will begin at the imposing Church of the Sacred Heart in Freeport, which contains a beautiful, unaltered organ by Wangerin-Weickhart (II/24) from 1913, which is possibly the only intact tubular-pneumatic organ extant in Minnesota.  https://www.pipeorganlist.org/OrganList/data_mn/MN-FreeportSacredHeart.html 

    The second stop will be the Church of Saints Peter & Paul in Richmond, home to an organ from 1888 by Joseph Lorenz (II/23), the only example of that builder’s work in Minnesota.  It was meticulously restored by Cold Spring builder K.C. Marrin in 2002.  https://www.pipeorganlist.org/OrganList/data_mn/MN-RichmondStPeterPaul.html

    After Richmond, we will make our way to Saint John’s Abbey and University, where we will have lunch in the Refectory (included in your registration).

    After lunch, we will visit two organs on campus; we will begin with the 1988 organ by K.C. Marrin (II/25) in the Gertken Organ Studio.  https://www.pipeorganlist.org/OrganList/data_mn/MN-CollegevilleStJohnsMarrin.html

    Then we will take a short walk to Marcel Breuer’s 20th century masterpiece, the imposing Abbey Church of Saint John the Baptist, home to the 1961 Walter Holtkamp, Sr./2020 Martin Pasi organ (IV/111).  This instrument is surely among the most thrilling pairings of organ and acoustic anywhere.  https://www.pipeorganlist.org/OrganList/data_mn/MN-CollegevilleStJohnsPasi.html

    After hearing the work of Martin Pasi, we will visit his new involvement, Saint John’s Abbey Organ Builders, and see where every step of the organ building process happens.  https://www.sjaorgans.org/

    The final stop of the day will take us to Saint Wendelin’s Church in Luxemburg.  This beautiful church, in an idyllic location, is home to what is likely the oldest (and most charming) organ still in use in Minnesota.  The instrument’s origins are lost in the mists of time, but it is believed to have been built in about 1845 by Pilcher (I/7).  It was purchased by the church in 1898 from a theater in Minneapolis, and has provided faithful leadership every since.  https://www.pipeorganlist.org/OrganList/data_mn/MN-LuxemburgStWendelin.html

    Don’t miss this chance to immerse yourself in these rich sights and sounds — most of these organs are only heard during Sunday morning services — this is a rare opportunity to hear them as star attractions!

    Leave the driving to us: we offer bus transportation (from a central location, TBA) with lunch in the Saint John’s Refectory for just $40 (what a great deal!) for first 56 registration.  The Early-bird DEADLINE to register for bus transportation is March 24, 2025.  After March 24 the transportation registration cost will increase to $50.

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