TCAGO's outreach to schools
TCAGO volunteers host St. Paul Music Academy students for a PipeWorks field trip at Westminster Presbyterian Church
PipeWorks Twin Cities is a collaborative program of the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (AGO) and Westminster Presbyterian Church of Minneapolis. The core PipeWorks Twin Cities curriculum is designed for students in grades 4 – 6 using science, social studies, and lessons on Bach and other famous composers for the pipe organ. At the core of the PipeWorks program is a portable demonstration instrument that travels to many classrooms, community centers, and churches. PipeWorks programs build on the AGO national program and adds 20th- and 21st-century music, additional science experiments, several additional teaching aids, and enhanced instructional materials, including a lesson on the history of the pipe organ.
The Twin Cities Chapter wishes to thank the many volunteers who developed the curriculum, pulled together the teaching materials, delivered the demonstration instrument all over town, and exchanged great teaching ideas. The Chapter also thanks the many members who help teach in the classroom. The generous contributions of Dobson Organ Builders and the Schantz Pipe Organ Company made the demonstration instrument possible.
PipeWorks programs are offered free-of-charge as an educational outreach program of the Twin Cities Chapter. If you are interested in arranging a PipeWorks program in your school, community center, or congregation, contact Phil Asgian at or any member of the Educational Outreach committee.
A hands-on opportunity during a presentation given by TCAGO Education Committee Members
Read press about PipeWorks from School District 196.
TCAGO Board members delight in the arrival of "Mini Opus," our demonstration instrument for the PipeWorks program.