For any further information on any of these instruments, or to submit corrections, additions or pictures, please contact
The Organ List has been a labor of love for many. The conversion from Apple to open HTML took 7 years, with the help of Jayson Engquist and Lise Schmidt. The next step will be to move the files from a private server to a more "industrial" server in Maple Grove. That should be happening soon. We have also cleaned up the domain name, and it is now "". If you have saved a like with ".com", it will not work. The old list has been retired.
The future of The Organ List: The Organ Historical Society maintains an extensive list of pipe organs throughout the US, and there is a great deal of overlap between the TCAGO list and the OHS list. The OHS has a much larger volunteer staff than does the TCAGO. It's foolish to maintain two separate lists of the same information. We have begun investigating a merger between the two lists. More information here as this develops.